
High-Quality and Forefront Semiconductor Technology from Hokkaido to the World



A centralized supporting gateway for high-quality and forefront semiconductor companies and semiconductor related companies expanding into Hokkaido.


Location Support

Location support to high-quality and forefront semiconductor companies and semiconductor related companies.


Promoting Local Companies in Hokkaido

Business matching service with capable local companies in Hokkaido.


Human Resources Development

Working together for planning human resources training program with the “Association for Promoting Human Resources Development to the Semiconductor Industry” founded by the Hokkaido Bureau of Economy Trade and Industry.


Platform of the Semiconductor Industry for the Next Generation

Working as secretariat for the “Platform of the Semiconductor Industry for the Next Generation”.


Green Transformation (GX) Support

Promoting decarburization region-wide in Hokkaido.


Creating a Scheme to Expand Semiconductor Business among the Economic Community in Hokkaido.

High-Quality Semicondactor Companies and Related Companies

Outline of the “Platform of the Semiconductor Industry for Next Generation”

ANIC takes in charge of the platform's secretariat. This voluntary platform has been established among the economic, industrial, and financial communities. The purpose of this platform is to join forces together and use business networks to support the high-quality and forefront semiconductor companies and semiconductor related companies expanding in Hokkaido. ANIC is at your service.

Members of the “Platform of the Semiconductor Industry for Next Generation” as of Oct. 2023

  • Hokkaido Information and Communication Technology Association (HICTA)
  • Hokkaido Machinery Association
  • Associated General Constructors of Hokkaido
  • Federation of Hokkaido Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc
  • North Pacific Bank, Ltd.
  • Northern Advancement Center for Science and Technology (NOASTEC)
  • Hokkaido Small Business Support Center
  • Hokkaido Association of Corporate Executives
  • Hokkaido Economic Federation
  • Credit Guarantee Corporation of Hokkaido
  • Hokkaido Federation of Small Business Associations